> Am I too old to start gymnastics?

Am I too old to start gymnastics?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I started when I was 8 and just quit at the age of 14. Assuming that you have never done much tumbling or anything, I believe you might be able to get through the compulsory levels (2-6). However, gymnastics takes concentration, flexibility, strength, commitment and determination. In order to be a successful gymnast, you need to make sure you have all of these. Good luck.

Your never too old for anything unless you want to compete or go to the olympics. You can do what ever you want try hard live life enjoy it. Talk to your parents tell them your interested in being a gymnast they'll understand. Tell them you want to try something new.

Well you might not make it to the olympics but u could do it for fun... Hope I helped!

It's not too late. It's never too late.

I am 13 and play "travel" soccer. I have become extremely bored with it. I watched the Olympics and took quizzes, and then realized I want to be a gymnast. Am I too old? How can I tell people what I want to do without them freaking out at me?