> Can you give me some mind blowing surprise ideas for my brother's birthday?

Can you give me some mind blowing surprise ideas for my brother's birthday?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If you have a printer and can get some labels of various sizes, make your brother the theme of your family party. Customize labels and put them the bottles/cans. Make a centerpiece with a big label that has his name and picture. You can make a banner out paper plates. Get blank party hats in his favorite color and make labels for those too. On the labels, you can add a picture of him, or you could highlight important things like his name and age. Customize these things even more by adding things like his favorite colors or things of interest to him. These are little, inexpensive things you can do and he can have as keepsakes. Below are some links to provide you with some ideas.




If you can contact and invite a friend or relative that your brother really likes but hasn't seen in a long time; that would really surprise him.

Edit: Let's see, no friends and no money. Why not download a CD with some of his favorite songs or take a book out of the library that he'd like to read. Guess those are not exactly "out of the box" but it is all I can think under your constraints.

Before his birthday ask him who's his best friend is, and talk with his friend secretly and tell him that his birthday is coming this month so you want him/her to surprise your brother. And also tell him to find as much friend as he/she could for his birthday on this month. If there is someone special for your brother bring him/her in his birthday. Surprise him so much. treat him his favorite dish or something special for his birthday on restaurant or on cafe, buy him a gift, which is actually is his hobby to play with like video games, football or anything which would surprise him and attract him to use it. I have a birthday this Friday, tell "Happy birthday" on behalf of me. Have fun!

maybe a pi?ata?

or if it doesnt go with your theme chocolate fountains or just nice layouts with matching coloured decorations.

all the usual balloons,bunting, and loads of food.

also suprise friends or family is always cool!

this site has some more things you could check out.


you can arranging a grand party decorate the place with white flowers and colourful candles rocking music dancing girls delicious food hard drinks soft drinks etc.

I am a birthday savvy person, and I successfully surprise every member of my family with every possible surprise I can think of. But right now, my brother's turning 16 on November 20th. My mind is empty, but I really want to surprise him. I've used up every crazy idea for my mom and dad's birthday this year. Well, I've got a few- chocolates wrapped up in aluminium foil neatly in a clear bowl, cake, handmade card in the shape of a choco bar, treasure hunt for a gift, and all in candle light. Well, I feel it is not enough. Usually I have a lot of surprises. Please help! I want to make this one unforgettable for him! Give me some ideas, please! (Hope you have a creative mind!)

The best one gets the 10!