> Cheapest fast food to feed 15 people?

Cheapest fast food to feed 15 people?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Probably pizza. Do you have Pizza Hut there?

I guess the cheapest fast food places is Chinese food. Go to restaurants that are Chinese and buy as many as you want and cheap!


Kentucky fried chicken, just get a big bucket and some sides.

Tacos! Or it may be even cheaper to buy and make spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and salad.

go to mcdonalds or burger king or pizza hut or subway

I am hosting my mothers birthday / mothers day brunch tomorrow and don't know what to buy to feed 15 people. I really do not have much money and was wondering what the cheapest fast food place would be to feed everyone? .. Pizza, Chinese. subs.. etc. Doesn't really matter what it is lol