> I want to join a sport but I'm scared?

I want to join a sport but I'm scared?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You just have to focus on yourself. Don't worry about what anyone has to say. If someone chooses to be mean, block them out. It's not your fault they are bitter.

You'll b fine try hockey I'm a goalie but u should play forward

You just have to focus on yourself. Don't worry about what anyone has to say. If someone chooses to be mean, block them out. It's not your fault they are bitter. I know its easier said than done but trust me if you put all things aside and just focus on soccer and yourself, you'll enjoy it so much more!

Don't worry about what the other girls say, just be friendly and you will get to know them. They probably won't even be mean. Just try it, if you don't like it you can always do something else.

Best of luck. :)

Thank you! I'm gonna try to go today with a positive attitude and hopefully no one is mean, I'm gonna focus on the sport and block people who are mean:)

So ever since I was little I would join something and the girls there would bully me a lot, like I wouldn't make friends, I just never had luck on that sort of thing. So I stopped joining things for a long time cuz I figured well why if it's gonna happen again. But until now that it's summer I'm bored and I want to join a sport, I figured soccer cuz I like it a lot, and my mom went and talked to a coach and arranged for me to go today and meet everyone and possible start in a couple days. It's an all girls soccer team and I'm really scared on whats gonna happen, to not deal with such fear when I join things I usually ask one of my friends to join with me but none can this time, so I'm alone in this but I'm scared the girls are gonna be mean to me, or if they are all advanced and i know nothing on how to play I'm gonna be the idiot that doesn't know how to play, idk what to do I'm really nervous and I don't want to be.