> What do pro sports players do for income after their career?

What do pro sports players do for income after their career?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Those that are smart or have common sense will have deferred some of their income or invested so they can continue to live without working. Most do not invest but spend their money as if they will be able to play forever. Some of those end up living under a bridge.

Athletes that finished their education can go into coaching or teaching,

The famous ones can get jobs for big corporations mainly playing golf with important clients.

There is no one answer since people are different.

after they retire most them make 10 to 25 million a year so they a pretty much set the players that dont make much likely find jobs elsewhere thats why the players that arent as good go to school for 4 years in college

in terms of lacrosse, a lot of them already have day time jobs when playing, but a lot of them will go and teach little league and some companies will use them for huge showcases and stuff like that, pretty much after they retire they are just a pretty face for a company

Many of them go broke.

work other jobs..