> Whats makes a #2 float?

Whats makes a #2 float?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Same thing that floats or sinks boats!

If a doo doo weighs more than the water it displaces, it will be a sinker. If it weighs less, you gotcha a floater, and if you shoot 'em out looking like brown ping pong balls they can be fun to flush especially in a water saver bowl!

If your poop has some gas in it, there is much better chance of it floating.

Why am I even wasting time on poo poo?

One of the most embarrassing bathroom ventures I've experience is the one that will not flush. Round and round it goes but never goes down. I've flushed several times only to see the little round #2 seams to be looking back at me. What's with that?? Then, there are the ones that sink on the first dunking. So, my question is; why do some float and others sink???