> Can i eat junk food and lose weight or get lean?

Can i eat junk food and lose weight or get lean?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Mayweather is deceptive with the camera. The same way you will never see how he actually trains (you dont see that) you wont know how or what he eats.

And never model yourself after what someone else does. If you are trying to lean out go the pure route of healthy eating habits and working out. The Mayweathers are small folks anyway (his father has sarcadosis, cant run and I doubt is more than 160 lbs himself).

You just have to burn more calories then you consume. Cutting some junk food will help you lose fat faster.

Floyd does that for the camera and I'm sure he would work his *** of to burn it of, your talking about the number 1 boxer and comparing his eating habits to yours

No, if you eat junk food you defeat the purpose of training.

1 Day a week to pig out.... yes.


I was wondering if I could eat junk food and get lean. I want to get to about 8 percent body fat and want a 6 pack, I am about 15 now. I am a boxer and I noticed that Floyd Mayweather eats a lot of junk food and he is in great shape. I train very hard two hours a day doing boxing workouts without taking breaks, except for water. I also run and strength train when I have time. so if I count my calories and macros can I get lean by eating junk.