> Why dont boxers/kickboxers/mma athletes have big muscles?

Why dont boxers/kickboxers/mma athletes have big muscles?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
NO muscles dont = harder punches smh lol lifting strength and fighting/punches strength ARE TWO DIFFERENT STRENGTHS i've seen female pro fighters spar with body builders and beat them bloody and wasnt even bothered by the bodybuilders punches most of them punch like children although some fighters have alot of muscles but thats not what makes them hit hard

No boxers in the world would let you hit them clean. A lot of fast boxers in the world can't do that easily against good opponents either. This is why big muscles with no stamina becomes a disadvantage. Those big muscles become that way by lifting heavy objects in short reps. Just letting them throw few punches might be enough to kill their power and stamina by a lot.

And besides, how hard you can punch means nothing if you don't have speed or footwork. Without it, there's pretty much no chance of even landing a lucky shot. Because unlike MMA or Kickboxing, there's only punches in boxing.

And even if bodybuilders can punch way harder than boxers doesn't mean they can take the punches. Boxers can have weaker punches and still knock them out. And if both sides have the one shot then which ever is faster or have more technique obviously is at advantage.

number 1 we do have weight limits inless your a super heavyweight or in some sort of open weight division. number 2 bigger muscles dont make you hit harder technique does number 3 if you have big muscles you better knock the other guy out quick cause if not your likely to get gassed

Huge muscles lower flexibility. You don't need huge muscles to knock a grown man out, so this leaves flexibility. A man with fast flexibility but enough muscle to knock out is a good fighter.

Here's a video of Primo Carnera [270lbs of muscle] fighting Joe Louis [199lbs];

Stamina and quickness are critical to success in boxing. Big muscles would cause:

1. a drain on stamina, and,

2. slower moves.

It depends what style you fight best. Body type matters alot in a real tough fight.

Hey I am just wonder why don't fighter have big muscles like these guys https://www.google.ie/search?q=biggest+bodybuilder&rlz=1C2ASUM_enIE530IE530&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BWpxUrLlOeiL7Ab53oHgAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955

is it not: more muscle = harder punches = ko opponents = world champion?

And I am talking about heavyweights as they dont have an upper weight limit. The smaller/lighter guys dont want that much muscle as it will slow them down and also they will be put up a few weight classes which they dont want.