> How can fighters have such difference in ability?

How can fighters have such difference in ability?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
are we not all made of flesh and bone?

some people can never close the gap

Some bones and blood are stronger or made for hard labor, while others are more for brains such as for education stuff. Just like animals and even insects such as ants, some are borned as the soldier ants and some are borned to be worker ants.


Some people are bigger ,some people are smaller, some people are faster ,some people are slower.

Chances are .if Tracey Morgan and Oprah Winfrey had a son ,he won't be such a great athlete but if GSP and Ronda Rousey had a son ,chances are ,he would be the better athlete.

Technique, talent, trainers and genes.

Because they have different DNAs.

are we not all made of flesh and bone?

some people can never close the gap