> How to get higher jumps in cheer?

How to get higher jumps in cheer?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
do hip flexors they help a lot and of course stretching

doing squats to strengthen your legs will help add height and power to your jumps. (will also help with tumbling ans stunting)

for rotating your hips out stretch every day. start by sitting on the floor with your legs spread out as far as they go. point your toes and turn your feet so that you shoe laces are facing the back. hold for fifteen. then move your legs so they are both in front of you and closed (pike position) with your arms in a T motion. then using your core pull your legs up like a toe touch and lower back down to pike. do five. then repeat from the begining. do the whole thing like three or four times.

i like to stretch while i watch tv.

this is pretty basic for rotating hips out. if you need some more stretches you can email me spazy27@yahoo.com

I am not that flexible but my jumps are high because I jump as high as I can at the last second. You have to jump off the ball of your foot onto your toes then into the air. Think about getting your legs up. Keep your chest and head up to so your whole jump won't sink. And practice good luck!

i had the same problem! what you need to do is plyametrics! look up videos on it on youtube! or do 100 squats followed by 50 tuck jumps a day! helped me!:)

My coach is telling me that i need to get my jumps higher for cheer-leading. i can get them perfect on a trampoline but not on a mat. I think my problem is getting power. Can someone tell me some ways to prep for a jump that will give me more power or send a link to a video that will show me? Thank you so much.