> I'm turning 14 and I'm wondering what should I plan?

I'm turning 14 and I'm wondering what should I plan?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Have fun as much as you can and show your friends that you are a very good person by being kind to them.By the way I am 14 too.

I celebrated my 13th birthday at a bowling center. All my friends loved it.

It depend upon your personality , where you wanna spend your birthday.

It should also suit your friends' interests. Or else they won't enjoy.

If you like shopping or stuff like that, you can go to the mall and shop for clothes and other stuff. and then you can go to a restaurant for dinner or lunch.

If you are more of an active person, a paintball match would be perfect. It's very challenging, fun and will be very memorable. If you dont wanna get messy and stuff, you can try laser tag.

Or, you can go for a movie that all your friends agree on.

You can even go for a karaoke night. I've done that once, and it was amazing !

You can even have it on the beach. Put up a tent, have some music and sing along. Have a barbecue to eat.

All in all, just make sure everyone has fun. Especially YOU. Because it's your day !

Hope i helped :)

You could have a movie night with your closest friends and then a sleepover.

Go and get a load of photos of you and your friends printed off and then make a big scrapbook

Bake cakes or cookies

Go shopping?

Have a party and play really cool games where you "improve" the rules?

My birthday is in August so I want to have everything set by July or June . Also , this might be my last birthday with my friends since there are many probabilities that I'm moving to another country. I want this party to be memorable !!