> MMA or boxing for a hobby?

MMA or boxing for a hobby?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
To be honest with you it starts as a hobby and once you fall in love with it it will become a lifestyle, people tend to have the idea that people training at these gyms are ***** or assholes for no reasons, trust me after a year or so they will end up being your best friends and you'll love training with them, Both are amazing boxing is a really nice sport and so is MMA , I would start with boxing and improve your stance and lose weight or become in shape then hop into the MMA , trust me once you walk into the door your life will change for the best

I've never taken classes at a gym/facility, but would like to someday. I actually do Tapout XT at home, it is MMA and is AWESOME. I absolutely love it. Great fighting moves and the trainer really teaches you a lot. You could always do this for a while to see if you like it and go from there.

go for MMA. You'll learn a variety of fighting styles. Boxing is too grueling and bloody.

If you want broken bones take mma if you want brain damage take boxing the chose is yours :)

if you going for marshal arts, much better to focus and one expertise first, much better if you will go first in boxing, if you are superior in boxing you can shift thru MMA

I'm thinking about getting into MMA or boxing as a hobby when I'm not in a collegiate class. I was a depressed individual for all my life until I met my ex, who just became my ex last night.. And I've had the urge to renew myself.

I'm tired of taking figurative punches in life, I want to be the one throwing them. I want to be a fighter, mentally.

Would MMA or boxing be a good hobby to take up to meet my goals and possibly change my life for the better? Is it full-filling?

Which one should I do?

Also, does anyone have any experiences at an MMA or boxing class/gym? I'm kind of nervous that everyone will be ***** or something, or have had years of experience. I've never fought in my life and I'm out of shape. I want to learn, as a beginner, the art of fighting.