> Will Mayweather-Pacquiao ever happen? Will it happen in 2015? What do you think?

Will Mayweather-Pacquiao ever happen? Will it happen in 2015? What do you think?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
The thing is, yeah he wants to stay undefeated, ok, but even if he retires undefeated he won't get respect like Rocky Marciano, Ricardo Lopez, Julio Cesar Chavez (while he was undefeated) because he knew very well for years the fans wanted to see him fight Pacquiao. If he retires without fighting him everyone will say he was just another fighter who ducked a challenge.

Maqyweather is 47-0 and wants to tie , then break the 49-0 record. That means 3 fights left in his career. If he fights only twice a year because of taxes and necessary fight buildup, then Pacquiao would not be till 2016.

It's going to be damaging to Mayweather's legacy if he avoids Pacquiao and retires. The question will always linger..

Floyd Gayweather is to scared to fight Pacquiao, it won't happen.

the thing is, beating pacquiao now will not be the same as beating pacquiao 5 years ago...lol

look, pac currently been tellin the media he wants that fight and might go for it after his fight w/ algieri.... but what do we hear from floyd? exactly

It's so fkng tiring already.

Pac just called Floyd for a renegotiation. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/22673...

We can only wish Floyd will respond to it this time.

Idk and idc. This fight is so annoying to hear about already. If it happens great if not who gives a sh*t. I'm sick of these two and their BS. If it does happen it has to be a joint PPV between HBO and Showtime since Mayweather has exclusive television rights to Showtime and Pacquiao the same to HBO.

It will never ever happen I think. But if it ever happens it will be a great and memorable fight as everyone is yawning for.

I hope so but i'm not getting my hopes up too much after all this time. I kind of gave up realistic hope after 2012.

Not likely, each is already talkin about their possible next opponents after 2014 and it was not eachother.

Since Floyd Mayweather has only 2 fights left on his contract with shosports and CBS, will this fight ever take place? Will it happen in 2015?

as a Floyd Mayweather fan I don't want to see him retire undefeated without fighting Manny Pacquiao. Even though I think Floyd Mayweather would be the favorite but this is a fight the world has been dying to see.

dont think it will ever happen.too many hurdles to overcome