> Why do people say boxers "run"?

Why do people say boxers "run"?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Such as Mayweather, when all it is is defense, being smart, the sweet science, just as simple as to hit and not get hit

I agree with Stick and Move. It is subjective and depends on whether you like the "runner/boxer". Regarding Canelo-Lara I would say watch both the Lara fight and the Mayweather fight to see the difference. Mayeather stayed in the pocket and traded shots much more than Lara did. When Mayweather moved, he moved a couple of steps back, or laterally. Lara circled the ring for half a minute at at time and did not throw a punch.

You can use footwork to get away from punches lie Mayweather, Lara, Willie Pep, Billy Conn, Wilfredo Benitez, etc.

/BUT you have to hit the opponent back. I've boxed and i can easily dodge all the punches and create 0 oppenings with my foot work and a high guard, no one can catch me, but if don't throw back i consider that chicken $hit and i should never win a round with that technique.

Lara was chicken **** for most of the Canelo fight.

Mayweather, who threw back, was not.

Because a lot of people don't know about the "sweet science". They thought boxing is all brawl and toe-to-toe fighting.

So you're saying you don't belong to the group called people? Then what are you?

I mean if vast majority of people are saying it's running, then it's fkng running. That's the logic of it.

Mayweather doesn't run. I'm yet yo see how he runs exactly. As for Lara now that f*cker runs.

Why don't you ask shane moseley, lara, tim bradley, and a few others? Watch pac vs shane, lara vs canelo

Because they're stupid.

If this is in regard to the Canelo-Lara fight though, that was different. Lara was running and disengaging in that fight, no other way to put it.

Mayate school of boxing

everyone who calls it running say that b/c they cant move themselves. They're mad at that person for perfecting their craft. Notice its only whites, mexicans & europeans that call it running rather than just actually being able to box.

You can be smart & defend without acting like a chicken with no head.

There is a lot of double standards in Boxing. Blacks were saying Khan was running from Peterson in their fight but cry & moan that what Lara was doing wasn't running.

Such as Mayweather, when all it is is defense, being smart, the sweet science, just as simple as to hit and not get hit

Some boxers do run.

Some fight intelligently.

Boxers who run lack machismo.