> Is it too late for me to get somewhere in boxing?

Is it too late for me to get somewhere in boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
No If you are naturally athletic then you are good, Sergio Martinez didn't start boxing till he was 20 and Antonio Traver didn't start till he's late 20s

It's never too late, my uncle started boxing at 24 and he's really good at it.

No I would say this is the perfect time to start your muscles and body is probably fully develope and know would be the best time and always give it your all

It's never too late .....to get your *** beat. So no.

Well i'm 15 and turning 16 this july. I'm a sophomore in highschool and I have never boxed before but I know I can be good at it. I've already been working out for a while now and I have a punching bag in my back yard so as far as fitness would go i'm not behind on that. But where would I start? Is it too late for me to be somewhere in boxing? Is it too late for me to turn pro? I really wanna do this but i'm not sure where to start. There is a trainer at the gym I go to but he said he charges from $25-$95 a session!! What should I do? Please help! I will vote the best answer.