> Ronda Rousey vs Floyd Mayweather?

Ronda Rousey vs Floyd Mayweather?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
They both get one week of preparation. It could go either way, but I pick Ronda.

mayweather has the advantage, as long as he keeps her off him.

If she grabs onto him then he is finished.

Realistically he would knock her out.

She on the juice? Anywho, Blax ain't as easy as you MMA people are made to see and think. Mayweather is elusive to catch and is deadly dangerous when you're trying to chase and stalk him down. I see her tired, frustrated, hurt bad, scared and TKO'd. Like all MMA wrestler fighters vs a prime boxer.

Toney was an old shot lazy fat@ss who never did train even when he was a boxer and only sparred, in need of quick cash UFC still can't make enough profits to pay it back to the banks they loaned it from. But Toney spent it good.

This is like asking who's faster Usian Bolt or Calvin Johnson. You're comparing two different fighters from two different elements and it's no way you can really gage who's the better fighter.

Mayweather should KO her quickly, but if she got a hold of him she would probably toss him to the ground, and arm bar him. She's as strong as a man.

Mayweather by a knockout

His agility is too good for someone like rousey to catch him.

I LIKE THEM BOTH, but feel that she can corner and take him down quicker than he can set her up for a KO. It's the type of sport it is. The catch and take down is far more effective IMO.

They both get one week of preparation. It could go either way, but I pick Ronda.