> How to colour a malteasers box?

How to colour a malteasers box?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Helloo, I'm having a party, don't want the usual red malteasers box, maybe a yellow or a blue. something like that.

Any ideas?

Nice one guys

if you're in uk, then go to an inexpensive store that specialises in paper/card products or upmarket if you prefer - and buy sheets of paper or buy a roll of your choice to glue over the original. easy. no need for a new box of any kind.

First wrap it in newspaper, without doing so could make the paint/pen rub off easier, then paint/ colour it then add a few layers so you don't see the newspaper text!

Hope this helped, please help me : https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/in...

Paint? Paint it white first then the colour you choose. But I'm not sure it'll look professional as the original box wasn't coloured by hand. You could make your own box maybe?

Helloo, I'm having a party, don't want the usual red malteasers box, maybe a yellow or a blue. something like that.

Any ideas?

Nice one guys