> Need ideas for sugar challenges for a sleepover?

Need ideas for sugar challenges for a sleepover?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Cane sugar challenge: How many tablespoons of sugar can you eat in 30 seconds?

Super sour jolly rancher/warheards challenge: How many pieces of these candies can you handle at once ( You should try to have at least 3 pieces in your mouth before it gets to sour )

Fluffy bunny challenge: How many large marshmallows can you put in your mouth? ( search on YouTube, its hilarious )

Name that candy: With your eyes closed or blindfolded, have a friend place a piece of candy in your mouth. Then try to name it. ( be creative and use a variety of candy )

Eat it, don't touch it: With your hands behind your back, eat your favorite candy/ice cream with only your mouth. ( Don't use hands )

Get it to stick: ( You probably won't do this one ) Put whipped cream on your face. Then have your friends try to stick gummy worms or any light weight candy onto your face by throwing it. I tried this game, and it was to much fun.

Be sure to take lots of photos. You are going to laugh to hard. Have fun!!!!!!

I'm not sure if this is sugar... but... its called the smoothie challenge: what you do is you take 10 yummy ingredients in your house and 10 gross ingredients and write them all down on slips of paper. Also write down 3 base ingredients such as water, milk, orange juice, etc. Put all of the paper slips in a hat and the bases into a separate hat- get into teams and everyone switch off choosing from the hat. Choose until each team has even ingredients and there are no more slips in the hat. Team one goes first- Put all of the ingredients you chose into a blender with the one base, then blend it all up. Do this with team two too. Then pour yourself a cup and see which team can drink the most of their own drink! So fun!

Umm, the brownie challenge,

the sugar cube challenge, and

well the popsicle challenge

How about a glucose tolerance test challenge?

Hi, my 2 friends and I are going to have a sleepover, and we need ideas on what to do. We want to have a bunch of sugar related games and challenges. We already have the cupcake challenge, 1 liter soda race challenge, and ice cream challenge. Any other ideas? Please hurry! Thanks!