> Does it bother anyone else about the referee for Saturday's Fight?

Does it bother anyone else about the referee for Saturday's Fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
No no Money May is just that good and SAAUUL is an untamed Beast thus far and is the biggest threat to the throne. This fight will break records.

I hate when people bring this up. Floyd doesn't throw elbows or do anything malicious.

He mostly uses his forearm when people try to get inside on him, which isn't illegal. That, or when he goes to shoulder roll.

I hate when people b*tch about this. If what you allegedly think Floyd does with his elbow is so bad, then why has he NEVER had a point taken for it?

The answer? Because it's not illegal, it's just a cagey/old school move, but that doesn't make it illegal by any means.

And no, Bayless is not a good choice for the ref. He stopped Pacquiao-Marquez IV WAAAY too early, Pacquiao was just about to beat that count, was clearly not KTFO, and Bayless waved it off. Just terrible.

Floyd pushes fighters away with his elbows and makes others run into his elbow but he does not actually swing his elbow at people, he doesn't hurt people with his elbow like Tyson used to do so i don't think it will be a big deal.

To hear people make such a big fuss about something as trivial a Floyd using his forearm to create space is about as ridiculous as the big foot stepping debacle I keep hearing about when people talk about the Pacquiao Marquez fights.

To me this is just one of those things people come up with (and are really reaching for) in trying to find something bad to say about Floyd's game. To call foul play on the topic at hand is really a stretch as far as i'm concerned. I think it's a ridiculous argument. Good luck getting people to agree with you though. I wish you the best in that regard, truly.

Edit: You're right. It is stated that it is illegal for a fighter to "hit" with anything but a closed fist, but Floyd doesn't HIT people with his elbow. Thats what is being misinterpreted. You make it sound like he's throwing around his elbow muy thai style in there. That isn't the case. It is not illegal to catch punches with your elbow or to use a fore arm as a gauge of distance. It is illegal to forcefully and intentionally "hit" an opponent with either, but if the opponent happens to run into either, than that's his fault. If that were not the case, then Joe Frazier would have been disqualified in every bout he ever fought in. I have seen Floyd push off with the forearm which is frowned upon as is any type of push off, but that's not equivalent to a thrown elbow with harmful intent, wouldn't you say? Unless its excessive, With all due respect, it really isn't anything more than a push-off anyway, and shouldn't warrant as much attention as you're paying it.

Not to name drop, but just off the top of my head I'll use Bernard Hopkins as an example of someone who does the same things, as well as his patented hold and hit below the belt on the referees blind side or a sneaky elbow on a "missed hook", but fans tend to just call that a savvy move and he gets a pass even though that particular tactic screams of blatant ill intent. Nobody seems to say anything about that, and if they do, they just call it a veteran move, while it's totally illegal at the same time. I'm sure we've all seen our share of B-Hop fights and to my knowledge, I've not seen you bring that up in discussion or had anything to ask about the refereeing prior to any of his fights. Why single out Floyd here?

Most everyone here who adamantly follows the sport can name at least a few fighters who bend the rules, or just blatantly commit fouls. This is the fight game. There will always be dirt if you look hard enough, but it's silly to call out Floyd when we have other guys out there doing, on a regular basis, the same or worse than what you're talking about here. Floyd is Mr.Clean compared to a lot of boxers out there. Let's not be so selective if we're going to be critical.

Or you can just go on thinking I/we don't know boxing.

did you know biting ears off is also a old school move no lie thats where tyson got it from anyway i do mma and dont even look at elbows as dirty so

Kenny was the same referee for Mayweathers fight against Oscar. Kenny only warned Floyd 5 times about the use of his left elbow a tactic that is illegal. Floyd is infamous for doing the this, he raises his left elbow when a fighter try's to get insdie. It's like fighting a fighter with a extra glove. I like Bayless, he's a good referee, but his lack of taking a point or a threat of taking a point for a infraction that happens all fight long kinda makes me wonder if he's the right guy for this fight. In Kenny's defense there have been very few Referee's that have warned Floyd about the use of his elbows and to my knowledge, Floyd has never had a point taken away for the blatant use of elbows.