> Help me and you'll get best answer .?

Help me and you'll get best answer .?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Don't fight her! Just don't. tell a teacher or something. Seriously, there's no point in fighting her, she's picking on you because of the huge size advantage. Such a big bully.

My advice, if she corners you and you have to fight her. Move! MOVE! MOVE! If she's really like 245, she's probably way overweight and out of shape. Just move around keep your hands up next to your face, it should protect you from wild hooks, which is what street-fighters usually throw. Try your best to dodge her punches and tire her out. Hopefully you never have to throw a punch before someone can stop it. Who cares if you look like a chicken. That's boxing at it's purist, you don't let yourself get hit, obviously you counter, but you probably don't really know how to do that, so you just focus on the important part, DEFENSE!

Again, I wouldn't fight her.

Do not gte involved in any altercation with this person, but rather report her as a bully, as schools and the police view this as a crime which could lead to permanent injury.

Sucker punch best way bro

ignore here

This girl keeps trying to fight me , i ignore her and everything . But it seems that she keeps trying no matter what i do . She's like 245 pounds and i'm roughly 113 . I havent been in any physical altercations except one . That was with my sister and she still beat me . I bruise fast , my body cant take destruction well . If i get hit i will bruise or knot up . So i know im probably going to get my butt whooped . But i would atleast like a few tips to make it seem like i can kick butt and just make it look like i lost cause she's way bigger . I dont have time to train or anyone to practice on . My sister is now older and out the house .I'm 17 and need your help . Please give me a few tips on how to hit harder , faster , block and kick a bigger persons butt . HELP .