> Least expensive way to learn boxing ?

Least expensive way to learn boxing ?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
There's really no other options unless you somehow find a friend who knows about boxing. It's either you go to the boxers club (recommended for amateurs) or you use Internet videos and buy your own equipment (cheaper in long run). Really no other options.

There is no least expensive way to learn boxing. If a boxing gym in your area is charging anywhere between fifty to one hundred dollars per month, inquire about the names of the trainers; what is their background in amateur or professional boxing. If they don't have any background in boxing and they are just hanging around the gym trying to be would-be tough guys then they are just wasting your time and money.


Buy a heavy bag in your backyard and watch video's "how to hit a heavybag"

Only way

Either go to a YMCA or go pick fights outside the closest bar.

you should buy heavy items and practice alot

In my area all boxing gyms charge anywhere from $50 - $100..........I don't have that much money lol

Anyone know any cheaper ways to learn boxing? (internet videos don't help haha)