> Mayweather's mind games vs Pac is to trick Pac to come forward after Mayweather during the fight n not box in n out?

Mayweather's mind games vs Pac is to trick Pac to come forward after Mayweather during the fight n not box in n out?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
pac is the only fighter who conbines the in and out and swarming... pac is stronger, punches harder and can equal floyds speed. pac even has the chin to take floyds counters....

problem is... after pac agrees to osdt, the lower purse and leaves arum, WILL FLOYD ALLOW HIM TO USE HIS CLETTO REYES GLOVES? lol

There's no need to trick Pac coming forward. Pac always go forward and Floyd will be on the defensive end. I say Manny should make this a dog fight and negate Floyd's defense with a barrage of punches coming from different angles. Now you have an idea why Floyd's having a hard time taking this richest bout

You seem to forget that Floyd can make adjustments. You saw what happened in the. Canelo fight were Floyd stood right in front of canelo and no one expected that. I feel that Pacioua is not as fast Floyd nor stronger than him. I feel that Floyd will have a feild day with him. If Pacioua thought marquez was hell than wait until he gets a taste of a better version of that. The fight should have happened years ago and were it would have been more competitive but Floyd would have still beat him in my opinion.

There ain't no mind games for Fraud if its Pacquiao.

Fraud doesn't want Pacquiao inside his fkng bald head as the boy's having nightmares thinking about Pac.

You don't bull rush a cobra. In and out is the best if you got speed like Pacquiao.

Mayweather will always have a questionable legacy in spite of that pretty record because he fights great young fighters before they're fully developed and delays fighting older fighters until they fall past their prime (like Pac now). His ability is amazing, but we won't ever really know how amazing because of his antics and focus on marketing over fighting.

First things first, Manny needs to give up them roids. Two, I've seen every Mayweather fight since his Olympics. If you don't bull rush Floyd, he picks you apart. It's been tried before. There isn't a fighter today that can out box him so the only game plan is to knock him out

Like any animal vs a cobra snake, "in and out" style is the best chance to beat a cobra snake. But Mayweather seems to only want to fight oponents that comes after him and not know how to go in and out. Such as Cotto or Mosley or Maidonna or Guerrero or Hatton who can't fight going out or going back.