> 10 points b/a - what should i do to this p***y?

10 points b/a - what should i do to this p***y?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
A person who stares his enemies are weak...Dont stare, look that your going to do something bad to him...Act like your a dove, an innocent kid...And then booom boom hit him....Stop staring people dude or youll end up dead...

It seems you are trying to scare him off, but staring him down just won't do. What you are going to want to do is take a lamb and sacrifice it to the dark lord. In return you may ask him for a favor. Ask to have the ability to turn things into salad. This sounds strange, but it will come in handy later. Now that you have salad powers you cam proceed to the next phase. Plan a suprise party for him and make sure that all his favorite foods and drinks are there. Before the party, learn what he likes and what he enjoys to do. Use this at the party to become frienda with him. Become best friends with him in fact. Stay true to him through think and thin. Share an apartment with him after highschool and even "experiment" with him a little in college. Years of repressed homosexuality and failed marriages will ensue after college, but at your thirtieth high-school anniversary your eyes will lock. You'll rekindle the old flame you once shared between eachother and start talking again. After an appropriate 6 months you'll move in. Two years later you should propose to him anf live your golden years out together. Finally, on a warm August afternoon while you both sit on the veranda sipping sweet lemonade, turn to him. Stare him right in the eyes. Then after five seconds of deep, thoughtful staring turn that motherf***er into a salad. That'll show him whats what.

He eye balled you huh...?

You stared back at him......?

If you had a pair of handbags, they could easily have started swinging....

I suggest that you stop acting like an idiot, ignore the other idiot, and grow up and enjoy what life has to offer.....

You're all pissy because a kid is staring at you? Seriously bro, grow up.

God I love these made up stories, keep up the good stories big.

never under estimate your opponent.

You little thug

Ok, so theres this guy in school that i dont get on with. He thinks hes the hardest in the year but ive nearly kicked off with him before but he was kind of sared and didnt ask for a fight. So the thing is when i see him alone, i stare at him and he stares then looks away like hes scared but when hes with his mates ( who i also dont get on with, all five of them) he stares at me like hes gonna do something. Now the problem is i only hang with two guys in school (1 whos weak and dont do anything and the other hates them also and has the same problem) but theres less of us and the rest of the whole year is weak. What can i do to get this guy off my nuts ? I cant fight him because i dont have much support in school where as he does and how can i get him even more scared of me because i know he is last time i started swearig at his mom because he was acting big with me but then he looked feared when i got angry. But if i ever see him alone outside school im gonna knock him out flat. So what shall i do to get this guy off my nuts ?? I dont care about the others they think their harder than me also but there no big threats, hes the main one only. * btw, i know i could take him !