> Guys please help with figuring this out, just curiouse?

Guys please help with figuring this out, just curiouse?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
He was sexually stimulated and caught in the heat of the moment when he was around you ,that sexual stimulation is gone ,it's not because he don't like you.

Try calling him and persuade him to come over ,maybe he needs a little encouragement and assurance from your end.

Why is this under boxing you wh ore

he's a total loser; you need to hang with me i can do better.

was he wearing gloves..

I had sex with this guy second time I saw him and I wanted to do it just for the sex part , however after the sex he was super sweet , got me flowers, kept making sure Im comftrable and have everything I need at the place we were at, was hugging me and acting better then even guys in seriouse relationships act. just super respectful and nice , seemed like he truly liked me and then never called. Why would he do that. I wouldn't mind someone just sleeping with me and then leaving me alone for what it was, but this confused me . Any ideas why he might have done that. Led me on not before sex but actully after, very strange. He didn't have to do that after wards he got what he wanted. Even if he wanted to have more sex, it would make sense that he would call again, but it's been 3 days and nothing