> I feel weak because I got beat up?

I feel weak because I got beat up?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
There is no reason to get ashamed. It can happen to anyone. What is a real shame is to feel yourself weak because of that fact. Talk with him and everybody like nothing has happened. If somebody start talking about that turn it to a joke like you was drunk and you had a little fight with your brother.

Of course, drinking was a factor.

Also, he knew the move to make: get you on the ground. Then, with his height and weight, he could control and pound you.

If your dizziness persists, you should see your doctor. You might have suffered a concussion.

So, it happens. Even the best of fighters get socked sometimes.

Alcohol is a depressant which means that it makes your body slower and weaker

Me and my brother in law got into a fight cuz he was talking trash he got in my face I socked him like 6 times I was drunk that's why I got into it with him if not I would of talked sense into him but I socked him first cuz I'm tired of everyone messing with me then he came at me but I thought he was gonna sock me but instead he grabbed me and pushed me so he had me on the ground and he socked me like 5 to 8 times on my head and I was trying to get up but I couldn't because I was dizzy but I think he beat me up cuz he had me on down on the floor but I feel really bad cuz he is small and I'm way bigger than him he's like 5'7 and weighs like 150lbs I'm 6'3 and weigh 250lbs I'm 21 years old he is 37 but I feel so bad cuz if he beat me up imagine someone else what if I have to defend myself or my girlfriend I feel like a b*tch what do u guys think,I've never taken any fighting lessons but did he win or did I lose and if he did was it cuz I was drinking.thanks