> Is this overtraining for a very beginner biceps routine?

Is this overtraining for a very beginner biceps routine?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
3 sets of 10 barbell curls.3 sets of 10 reverse barbell curls.3 sets of 10 hammer curls.

Is that too much for a very beginner?

As Wirehawk says.... Why are you spending so much time on your biceps? What are you doing for the 598 other voluntary muscles in your body?

Back when I started training with weights (around 1962...) I got a nice, basic book on Progressive Resistance Training put out by a big university's exercise physiology department.

They put out a good, solid beginners program that covered all the major muscle groups of the body, and you could work through the whole program in about an hour.

Two exercises per body part, slightly different. The biceps were done with standard and reverse curls.

Don't make the typical, juvenile mistake of trying to get "big guns to impress the girls". First, it wont'.

Second, you'll do much better to work on your whole body.

Don't curl if your a beginer. Do compound movements, squats, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press... That will get you big arms.

End of story.

Check out :Body By Science by Robert Mcduff.M.D. It will change the way you train forever.

I think you should follow an overall beginner's boxing training routine.

3 sets of 10 barbell curls.3 sets of 10 reverse barbell curls.3 sets of 10 hammer curls.

Is that too much for a very beginner?