> I get shaky before and after a fight?

I get shaky before and after a fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Hello Canada,

Listen, the more you fight the less nervous you're gonna be. It's just a matter of working it out of your system. Take it one step at a time and you'll be just fine. OHHH Canada.

I've been doing boxing for four years and I still get that feeling sometimes, everybody does it's your adrenaline find a way to keep more composed and think less of a fight if you're in an argument that just makes it work. Also meditation, some of my fellow boxers do this to remove this sort of thing from their game.

It could either be nerves or your adrenaline kicking in. I don't think there is a way to stop it but am not sure, hope this little bit of info helped

its hormones. don't take it as a negative... it can make you more alert at times and in some situations give you super strength. if you want to get rid of it, i would suggest you take up a sport of some sort that puts you in that situation repeatedly like say boxing or mma

You gotta get healthy and detect and control depression. G'luck. Stay in school, keep your brain cells.

whenever a guy attacks me on the streets or at anytime some person would want to take his anger on me, i get shaky after the fight. or lets say they are starting something(an argument) and i say something back, i get shaky. Im not scared or anything of that sort. but i have no idea why this happens.

I don't fight much but i notice i start to shake for some reason whenever im on the spotlight(or even when there is no one watching). when i play fight with my friends, i don't shake but when there is a person i don't know, i start to shake.

anyone know why? i think it's cause of being nervous or something. anyone here knows how to fix this problem.(without saying get used to it by getting into more violence?)