> Did you see Mexicans true color after Guerrero v Mayweather fight?

Did you see Mexicans true color after Guerrero v Mayweather fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
To clarify your answer not everyone was going for guerrero and heck most people wanted to see abner mares,ponce de leon,leo santa cruz instead of the mayweather fight.

Chivas your a prick, you one of those mad Guerrero lost. Who ever said boxing was a black sport dumb a55. Your so called futbol we Americans call soccer how smart do you have to be to kick a ball around what a stupid boring sport. Basketball is played all over the world and the rest of the slowing coming around to real football. Have you ever played organize football or basket ball i doubt it, it's more to learn than you know.

Mayates are the racist ones. They are the ones on welfare and cry about racism. They have all these culeros speaking out for them. I for one do not feel bad for them. They cry and beg for money on the street. Latinos do not do that but mayates do. Mayates are one of the most xenophobic people on the planet.

Blacks are losing there sport only sport they are good at is basketball and NFL which is only played in the USA. Both sports are stupid, boring, and takes no intelligence to play and are played by criminals. Look at futbol blacks suck at real futbol, they even lost to the chynks during the African world cup. LOL

Geurero would have lost 10 out of 10 fights.

Americans are worse stfu

black american are the more racist than that...

The amount of racist and angry comments I seen was pathetic! Why do you guys even watch sports? I swear if guererro would have won you guys would have screamed viva Mexico, brown pride, just like when chicharito scores. Arrogant punks...