> Am I too short to be heavyweight?

Am I too short to be heavyweight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If you have the weight you should be fine.

Eric Esch had your measurements but he weighed 400lbs, he did fine.

Mike Tyson was also around your dimensions and he did great.

Rocky Marciano had smaller dimensions than you and he's the only undisputed champion to retire undefeated.

There were always big guys. The biggest undisputed heavyweight champion in the history of the sport fought 80 years ago. The smallest fought after him.

Unless you're the next Iron Mike (one of a kind) you will be too small a heavyweight. People are talking about Marciano, a HW from the good old days when heavyweights were a lot smaller. You won't be able to compete with the new generation of heavies as they are much bigger it will be very unfair. There is a new weight class in professional superheavyweights. I guess a great middleweight could beat an average supermiddleweight but its a great disadvantage. Cruiserweight or light heavy is your best bet.

Try Light Heavyweight or Cruiserweight.

You have an inch on Mike Tyson and a four inch reach advantage.

Tyson was something similar to yourself in height... He didn't do too bad...??

Hello I'm 17 and I want to turn pro. I'm already doing amateur boxing (8-0) and I want to turn pro at 18 (close to my 19 birthday). But all the heavyweights now are around 6'5" with a few exceptions. And I'm only 5'11" with a 75" reach. Is that too short?