> Is it possible to become a successful professional boxer if I started at the age of 17?

Is it possible to become a successful professional boxer if I started at the age of 17?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You still have time definitely, I don't believe Joe Fraizer started until 19 and Marciano 24, though the reason these people made it so far, is probably because they gave up their lives in dedication to training.

My advice: Make sure you're realistic as to what it will take to be great, boxing relies on talent alone, and in this sport to make good money, you have to be of the most talented in the world.

Make connections with a local boxing gym that has experience in the amateurs, or get speaking to them about connections to a professional boxing manager. The natural progression is usually from amateurs to pro, and they'll be strong reasons for this. Though having these conversations with boxing members is better then anything I can type here.

But most importantly, give it ago and chase your dreams. You do need to get in the ring and try it out though, because there's a big difference in sparring to competition fighting, in terms of intimidation and pressure. Your actual success in a competition environment will be the only way to judge whether you think you have what it takes to make it.

Its possible. Just depends on how much you train and how hard you train. Age isnt really a factor. As a 17 year old you may think you just beat a grown man. But boxing is based on weight classes, not age. Id start now, definitely never too late.

There are lots of top sportsman in many sports that came to their sport late. There have been many international rugby players that didn't even pick up a rugby ball until their late teens.

If you're good enough you'll make it.

"my speed and power is incredible." Doubtful. Check out the meaning of incredible. You're not so fast and strong that it's beyond credibility.

As long as you stay motivated and hungry its very possible, many great boxers started later than you dont worry about your age, rocky marciano one of the best if not the best heavyweight of all time didnt even star until he was 24

Yes, you're boxing name will be Hitmonchan, you'll beat floyd maywhether, and you're career will come crashing down because you'll be sucked into a pokeball and become another one of my pc pokemon.

It's impossible to answer the question. The only thing you can do is to give it your best shot.

I've been boxing since January, and I can't describe how much I love the sport. I'm beating experienced 25-35 year olds at the gym I train at. I know I have a lot of potential and have all the fundamentals, my speed and power is incredible. However I don't even box as an amateur, if I was going to pursue a career in this sport how could/should I start now? and is it too late?