> What weight training exercises should a boxer use and avoid?

What weight training exercises should a boxer use and avoid?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
For example are squats and curls something that you should stay away from?

Boxing was a last holdout in terms of weight training....After virtually all other sports, even gymnastics, were doing weights... boxing held out.

Glad to see they have come around.

Anyway, what you need is "strength training for athletes". A basic, full-body strength-training program.

You can google this up. Essentially, you're looking at heavy-weigth, low-repetition exercises, with all exercises done to "failure point"...Where you can't lift the weight any more.

This pretty much requires a gym setting as you need either safety racks or spotters.

They shouldnt avoid any rather its how they do them. Weights should be used in conjucntion with resistance, interval and general conditioning training for a boxer. A boxer should lift weights to train for muscle endurance which typically is done by using a lower weight and doing more reps 12-15 reps seems to be the acceptable consensus although there are different opinions. Sqauts are an incredible excersice for a boxer but try to use it as more of a resistance excersice for example squat jumps etc. Also nothing wrong with curls again be better to do '21s'. The most fundamental weight excersices are bench press, dead lifts, squats, shoulder press, pull ups, dips, curls

Weight training will be an asset to your strength as a boxer, you mainly want to stick to compound movements; Deadlifts, Squats, Barbell Rows, Bench Press, Military Press.

If you are going to do isolation exercises like curls then don't use perfect form, you are not a body builder. Try to incorporate as many muscles in the movement even if that is considered cheating. Concentrate on moving the weight rather than isolating the muscle, that is the difference between a body builder and a boxer.

Squats are about the only exercise any boxer really should do since punching power comes from a boxers legs curls are pointless!

Bench pressing and squats are important. Running is a must obviously. Remember though, lifting weights won't increase punch power, you need to strengthen your whole body.

jogging with wind sprints, push ups 100 to start wind mills 30 one direction 30 other direction to the side to the front and over head jumping jacks 100 to start, need more add me lets talk on here .

For example are squats and curls something that you should stay away from?