> Whats tougher boxing vs wrestling?

Whats tougher boxing vs wrestling?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

I say wrestling

Wrestling is training wise is tougher than boxing. Also you have had wrestlers who became decent boxers like Mike Alvarado who was an highschool wrestler before going into boxing. No boxer could do the same. Wrestlers have and can have some success in boxing the same cannot be said of boxers.

@Tyler thats a really biased way of explaining things. I have done both boxing and wrestling. Wrestling is considerably tougher on the body and training for wrestling is much tougher than boxing.

They are both tough but try telling any boxer that has fought another world class boxer 10 or 12 grueling rounds that wrestling is tougher. Taking shots/punches to the liver, ribs, kidneys and the head gets very tough especially for 12 rounds+boxing is extremely physically demanding.

Boxing is typically a faster sport, focusing on fast hits and swift movement

While, yes, in wrestling there is some fast movement, it doesn't last as long as it typically does in boxing.

However, wrestling has a lot of strenuous movement and grappling, usually meaning that it uses up energy faster than boxing does.

So, yeah. I say wrestling. As long as it's not that WWE stuff.

Their both dying anyway, being taken over by basketball and football :( i always thought boxing was the adult version of wrestling, (wrestle in school, box afterwards) they both seem pretty even but their all tougher than all other sports if you team up good program vs good program


It's tougher being a pornstar than those. Ask peter north..


I say wrestling