> Why do people like UFC and boxing?

Why do people like UFC and boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If your hubby watches hours of boxing and UFC after a hard days work then, as his wife, you should support him and his hobbies. I personally don't watch much UFC but if UFC makes your husband happy then let him be happy. Your husband's viewing habits is not that big of a deal.

Relax, it might just be cause men like to be entertained, or maybe he uses it as an outlet to relief himself of stress. Yeah he would like to hit something, don't we all sometimes, just kidding, but you can always get him a punching bag, if it is stress, but it's just really entertaining, blood sports always are, its human nature.

It's just fun to watch people train, smack talk and then fight to see who's better, shows like bellator can be kinda lame because grappling can slow down the fight, and I personally don't like to see peoples faces split open. It's not about watching them get hurt, it's about watching them show their skills and prowess against eachother, it's like soccer, people watch it to see the skills of the contestants.

Love boxing, hate UFC. I've said before that UFC shouldn't even be legal, it's like you say, barbaric. It isn't remotely entertaining, what's exciting about watching someone get elbowed in the head repeatedly? It's not sport.

But boxing is a totally different game. Measures are taken to ensure the safety of the fighters and there's skill involved too, it's not a grappling match. Avoiding punches is the name of the game believe it or not.

Males have testosterone. We don't like to just eat veggies and read romance novels all day.

We need action.

I personally don't like watching those UFC or WWE type stuff. It's too barbaric for me. I actually don't watch TV at all but that's another story. Doesn't mean I don't like explosions or action though. Love that stuff.

My hubby watches hours of it every night in our room and I hate it. It seems so evil and horrible. It makes me think that he will love to smash someones head in one day.. I worry how it will affect him.

Why do people (mostly men) like seeing people's heads bashed in and people getting hurt for when watching this stuff?