> I need advice about a birthday party outside?

I need advice about a birthday party outside?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
i don't think that's too hot. especially if there's shade. is the party during the hottest part of the day or the evening? hopefully there's a good breeze that day. may 18th is pretty far away. i think weather.com just averages what the high temp will be based on past temps with far away dates. anyway i wouldn't worry. just bring cold drinks to help cool everyone down. i always had fun water balloon fights. or maybe small water guns. i'm sure there's goodie bag size guns at the dollar store or party city. good luck!

Okay so May 18th I'm having a birthday party at a park for my daughter. The weather is supposed to be 93 degrees. Is that too hott for a party outside? My apartment is too small and I can't really spend all kinds of money somewhere. I told everyone to bring sunscreen and there will be shade. I rented a ramada. And I don't want to cancel, I already paid for it. What should I do? Do you think water balloons is a good idea for the kids? Any ideas?