> Am I too out of shape or too late to box?

Am I too out of shape or too late to box?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
So.... Let me ask you this.... Why boxing? I mean, there are many fine routes to both weight loss and fitness, many of which are absolutely free.

Now, the type of training boxers do is excellent... A nice combination of aerobic endurance and strength and skill development.

That's all great.

But....There is the overwhelming specter of head trauma.

Have you avoided reading the news for the last year? Have you not heard of the major medical findings about concussion and head trauma? The enormous lawsuit filed by retired NFL players about the really severe physical disabilities they have incurred from head trauma?

Have you never heard the term "punch drunk".... Referring to the debilitating mental disability caused by repeated head trauma?

Parkinson's disease?.... Like Mohammed Ali is suffering from?

These things are more prominent among pro fighters with a history of being hit hard.... but amateur fighters suffer from them too.

Even with big gloves and headgear... If you spar seriously you will be concussed at some point.

Boxing as a sport.... Let's just say I wouldn't do it.

As a self-defense technique.... Well, let's just say it's a sport.

No it's not too late. Just stay as dedicated as you can to training and nutrition and you'll be fine.

No way, I'm 18 barely started 6 months ago and I'm about to get my first match. So excited!

No its not too late and not too out of shape. That doesn't make sense. You can be way out of shape and as long as you kept training and stayed disciplined you could get in shape.

I'm 16 almost 17. I want to box, I talked about it to my parents a year ago. They said I can sign up as of today if I wanted to. I'm out of shape(5'4 and 140 pounds). I want to do something I think I'd really get into. Now when I mean I'm out of shape. I have a horrible endurance but I never have the guts to go and train by myself it stresses me out, I need someone to give me structure. So is it okay if my endurance is total **** seriously not normal and go into boxing like that. I'm not a landwhale but I'm probably getting there I'm pretty chubby. lol

I'm a female.