> Are Energy drinks good for boxing training?

Are Energy drinks good for boxing training?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

I don't think energy drinks are good for anything. Especially if you're gonna be doing boxing, the acid from the drink is probably gonna make you feel sick

I would NOT recommend Energy drinks. Energy drinks will make your heart beat race faster and then doing strenuous activities could lead to death. A few years ago there was a case where a teen drank a redbull then went out on the field to play football, when the game ended he dropped dead because of the redbull causing the heart to race quicker and the strenuous activity that he was involved in which also increased his heart rate. Shadow box for 5 minutes and feel your heart, it'll be beating much faster, drink an energy drink and it will make your heart go that much faster and you could possibly end up on the floor dead while training, that would be a sh*tty death. Try some protein shakes or those actual work out energizing drinks, they'll help with training just make sure they don't contain anything that would be considered steroids under the rulebooks.

Energy drinks are not good at all, they do not give you energy, they just simulate it by making your heart beat faster.

The best thing to drink is water. Lucozade sport claims to hydrate you better than water, but there could be a catch in there somewhere.

I'd just drink protine drinks if I was you mate it helps me like. Whey protine is very good mixed with milk

Nah, stick to plain, good old water. In actual fights, you'd only be allowed water.
