> Do you think most players are on steroids too?

Do you think most players are on steroids too?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I think baseball hides all the players being on it

Very possible. Manny Pacquiao should take the test to clear the cloud of doubt and speculation.

Honestly after the whole Lance Armstrong deal, it feels just about anyone can secretly juice if they are smart about it.

Tyson Gay just recently was found to have taken illegal supplements. Of course the Armstrong story was also a very big one.

I think many athletes are secretly taking PED's, blood tests may not be as precise as we think they are.

if you dont know the athlete, and you witnessed too much power...cant help but to think illegal drugs could be behind that unexplainable power...."unexplainable" because you barely knew the poor guy...

but a smart fan will at least try watch the athletes beginnings...the slightest change in stamina can be the result of EPO same w/ strength and speed coming from HGH....

power can be improved but basically it's in-born and a gift to a few...

surely you can spot the difference between synthetic and real power.

Everyone is on steroids, not everyone is taking items that appear on the banned substance list.

No doubt some players do use them, I would like to believe a vast majority of them are clean however.

No. If some players do, they'd be caught sooner or later with drug tests. Look at Barry bonds and roger clemens


I think baseball hides all the players being on it