> Floyd Mayweather Jr is a sell out?

Floyd Mayweather Jr is a sell out?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

wow....amazing video...

If i had the kind of money Floyd had ,i would probably start with running water and sewage treatment because if he actually donated money to Kenya ,chances are the corrupt political class Kenyans will just go around and confiscate the money.

I think Mayweather will readdress reply to that video clip and try to justify and apologize. Floyd is not perfect ,maybe far from it but it still doesn't take away from his boxing skills.

People won't be satisfied until they see Floyd defeated & broke.

Floyd clearly does many things for many people, & a variety of different causes. Every charity that Floyd does not contribute to could say the things that this person is saying. When you're as wealthy as Floyd Mayweather no matter how much you give people will always feel like you could've done more. If Floyd spends his time with one charity & not another does that devalue the good that he has done?

Great video but there is a side of Mayweather that isn't seen in the mainstream. Floyd gives back but has to play the villain role so this kind of stuff rarely gets publicised.

No, of course not. Actually what Floyd Mayweather Jr. is, is the most financially successful fighter in the history of professional boxing. When you consider how many fighters over the years have fought professionally, that is an accomplishment that demands respect regardless of anyone's personal feelings or opinions,

What is bad is that he is also a gambling addict.


Due to inflation on the $, every generation brings along a new ''wealthiest boxer ever''.

Mike Tyson was the wealthiest boxer in history in 1980, Oscar de la Hoya was then the wealthiest boxer ever in late 1990-2000 [and i believe he still is today].

Floyd Mayweather will likely be the new peek for this generation, etc.

Still, statistics aside; a bit of moral goes a long way.

Doesn't it bother you that someone with so much wealth is ok at spending it in dumb things, is ok with gambling away $100,000 per bet, and is ok with burning $100 bills on camera, and with throwing away $10,000 in a club at druggies yet that same person doesn't want to donate to starving children in a 3rd world country because he's afraid of ''going broke''?

Boxing aside, lets use common sense.

BRILLIANT PIECE ... just listen to the clip..you know what i don't even know if floyd said these things but i can believe it.

a must listen ....

if you take what you dont need and keep it youve stolen if from somebody else who needs it-Shadi Mansour

btw nuthugers are skinny jeans there not ppl you mean nutriders

the fact that he didnt took pacs charity fight offer, chance is, he really couldve said it, the brittish dude sounds like really pissed and disgusted!

Yet his nut huggers praise him like a God on this forumn. lol
