> Floyd ((Money)) Mayweather vs Maidana Who will win?

Floyd ((Money)) Mayweather vs Maidana Who will win?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Who's waiting to watch a boring mismatch?

you already know floyd will win yet you keep askin the opposite...

are you some special kind of stupid...

when was the last time floyd actually fought someone who got a chance of winning?

just admit it, you already knows how this fight will go

Moneymay via points decision.

Maywetter will beat Madonna like he beat Mosley.


Mayweather all day

Mayweather! Money Team ch-ching!

As you all of you boxing lovers may know the much awaited fight Floyd ((Money)) Mayweather vs Maidana is set on may 3rd. What you guys think who will win this fight?

The prediction is Mayweather will win and I also agree with this. But is there anyone who think Maidana also have chance to win this fight?