> Has any boxer won around without throwing a punch?

Has any boxer won around without throwing a punch?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
has this ever happened

Willie Pep.

In his prime Pep was an aggresive counterpuncher. He fought similar to Pacquiao but with less combinations and more defense and counterpunches. His great athletic ability caused his opponents to respect him, in his fight with Graves this respect allowed Pep to have a round where he dodged every punch Grave threw and then his faints would cause Grave to get very defensive, the judges gave this round to Pep because while no man landed a punch, it was obvious who the boss was.

Remember way-back when a boxer got up off his stool for the first round bell & tripped over the spit bucket. Twisted his knee ( I think ) so badly that they threw in the towel....

willie pep has

i have no idea.

has this ever happened