> Is fighting all about heart?

Is fighting all about heart?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Heart is part of the important aspect of boxing. You also need conditioning, defense, intelligence and discipline. A person could have heart but would foolishly be lopsidedly out-pointed, knocked out or stopped on his/her feet for his/her lack of defense or intelligence. One example of that fighter is Bobby Chacon. He's a decent and exciting fighter to watch who's got the heart size of Texas but clearly lacks defense and intelligence.

Boxing is all about preparation.

Words like talent, heart, courage all pale to one word: training.

Boxing matches are won or lost in the months before the match. Road work, sparring, training with a good coach.....these things decide what will happen during the brief matchup in the ring.

Mike Tyson had plenty of heart.

But that was not enough when he met the Buster Douglas. The latter came well-prepared on the day. Tyson, on the other hand, had partied rather than trained in advance....and thus, he lost.

Heart is a component.

You can tap into your heart when you have the tools to do so....and that comes with the preparation.

Its skill thats the most important as well as god given speed and power. Just because you lift weights and can bench press 350 doesint mean anything if you dont know how to throw a punch, you could also have all the heart in the world but that also does not mean you know how to throw a punch

Heart is when your getting your *** beat and you still fight back it's when you show up to the gym even tho your tired and sore and could think of a thousand other things you could do it's when that 10 sec bell hits on the last round and you empty the tank and give everything you have.Heart is something your born with you have it or you don't

Have your dad or step dad abuse you for many years, and when you can survive the pain and punishment, then you will be a good abuser in the ring.

Yes, so do cardio and get your heart stronger.

No you're just a weak coward troll

Is fighting all about strength or heart? My mates say you can be big and strong but if you've got no heart you'll lose.

What is heart? I mean I'm not strong but if I have heart can I win ?