> Is kickboxing good for self-defense?

Is kickboxing good for self-defense?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
First of all, the best way to defend yourself is to avoid dangerous situations, and if you trapped in such situations, try to use wisdom. Wisdom will defeat any power.

I am a kickboxer trainer and former champ, but never consider it as a tool for fight. I do it, because I love it. If you don't love it and do it to achieve some goal (self defence for example) it will be so hard to do it. It is a harsh sport with lots of pain and injuries, and the only way you can do it, is to love it. Anyway, yes, it is so useful. A combination of judo, boxing, and nee strikes, is the best

Well there are a number of self defense classes, but most of them wouldn't really help you much in real situations. If you want to be able to defend yourself, you have to be committed first of all to the martial art, AND to physical fitness. I remember when I was young, they told me a story of this group of Tae Kwan Do Jins who took on a group of construction workers. And the jins got beat up bad! The reason of course, there is a big difference in training for a sport and being ready for a fight. I think a person who does hip-hop dance or ballet would be better prepared in a fight than someone who simply took classes but is not physically strong enough to defend themself.

if you just want to defense yourself, i believe kickboxing is a good choice.

kickboxing is relatively easy learning, and it can make you slimmer. as you are just in the right age, 14, i think kickboxing is your best choice.

Kickboxing is amazing you should defo do it the kickboxing class a went had about three lasses in it who were better then me.

kickBoxing is not femalyyy... Why don't you choose self-defense classes?!

Sure.. why not? A can of mace works well too

I'm a 14 year old girl and I want to learn how to fight and defend myself from anybody that would want to hurt me. I watch the news waaaaay too much and there are always stories about people getting jumped and beat up and stuff so I was thinking of kickboxing but I don't know whether or not it is good for self defense or attacking. Also is it dangerous or suitable for teenage girls?