> TBE-The Book Evader or Terribly Brief Education?

TBE-The Book Evader or Terribly Brief Education?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Mayweather needs to be ridden into town like an old befuddled mule until he loses or learns to read.

I only mock floyo wh3n it comes to boxing....

thats cos he claims to be the best yet he avoids the best

its pretty sad though.... learning a celebrity like floyd cant read is like watching jessica simpson on national tv saying that tuna is another type of chicken... mixed emotion

It's not a crime to be illiterate. It's his business, let's concentrate on the boxing

He is "smart". Haymon, ellerbe, etc. Do the work for him while he takes the credit

LMAO, ought to be.

Mayweather needs to be ridden into town like an old befuddled mule until he loses or learns to read.