> Which fight would you rather see pernell whitaker vs hector camacho or duran vs pryor?

Which fight would you rather see pernell whitaker vs hector camacho or duran vs pryor?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Duran vs Pryor. Whitaker vs Camacho may have been a bit of a chess match, whereas Duran vs Pryor would almost certainly have been an action packed brawl. I would pick Duran to take it but it would be a back and forth exciting fight.

Duran vs. Pryor

Duran vs Pryor: Just as much because of their stature as their styles. Duran (widely regarded as the greatest lightweight of all time--Pryor (widely regarded as the greatest super lightweight of all time)

What makes the fight most intriguing to me isn't the stylistic match-up, which on paper spells brawl. Its the testicular fortitude that both Duran and Pryor would undoubtedly bring to the table. They are both special fighters in that regard, and to see their equally great wills tested against each other would be interesting to say the least. Unstoppable force vs immovable object. War.

Two fighters with this kind of mental make-up in the ring together = a very special occurrence.

Duran vs Pryor hands down the fight of the century,

OH EASY on this one. Duran and Pryor!!!! That would be so action packed the ref may have to stop them from hitting each other with the stools.

Duran versus Pryor....that would be a real slug fest.

two completely different styles of fighters ,

simply put the 2 defencive fighters in sweet pea and macho man or the two warriors in duran and pryor

i would like the war of duran vs pryor but i like action in my fights what about you .