> Why us Muhammad Ali a good role model?

Why us Muhammad Ali a good role model?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Im doing a speech on him and some website i went aren't enough to cover it.

i'd be appreciate if u guys put it on a paragraph.

I completely agree with Don!!!

Clay was an extreme racist that constantly promoted hate speech.

He also promoted seperatism of "White's" and "Black's".

He was initially rejected into the Nation of Islam, until he won the championship, then he was accepted!

He was close to the Malcolm X, a violent black supremisist.

He was later rescinded in the Nation of Islam by Elijah Muhammad, who called Clay a "fool".

He lived, and received his fame and fortune, in the United States. Yet refused to fight for our country.

He was married 4 times, and had 9 children.

But, he could box! So I guess all of that other stuff doesn't matter to anyone.

But even as a boxer, he was a loud-mouthed, insult-giving, foul-mouthed idiot.

Racism and Hatred are evil!

He spent his life promoting these ideals. So why do people think he's a hero? How can you say he's a hero? What did he do for anyone other than himself? Martin Luther King, now there's an African American hero.

So good luck on your speech b/c I don't know what you could say.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I'm just being honest with you.

Wow that's a tall order. Does your speech actually have to conclude the man is a good role model? He was a great fighter in his day. He had charisma and a great competitive spirit. He was a champion. But role model? Nah.

If that's your speech then maybe you should stick with him not giving up. Ever. Even with his battle with Parkinson's he's going down with one helluva fight. I have immense respect and even admiration for the man but looking at his words and actions outside the ring I refuse to think of him as a role model for anyone. Certain aspects, sure but taken as a whole I'd rather you looked at Jesus or Frederick Douglas or Clarence Thomas or even Dr. Benjamin Carson for a role model.

Just sayin'. Good luck with your speech. I suggest you leave out a lot of stuff about Cassius Clay if the purpose is to make him look good. Maybe just stick to the boxing part.

Muhammad Ali could be considered a good role model for alot of reasons.

Standing up against the Vietnam war, a very unpopular war at the time, is one thing. Standing up and refusing the draft, risking both prison time, your career, and YOUR FREEDOM is another. Most of the "anti war" rallies were held by college students...who since they were in college were not eligible to GO to Vietnam anyway, so technically they were hypocrits with nothing to lose.

I dont consider Ali to be a black supremecist when to this day so much about black history has been erased or suppressed to establish a supreme set of morays (white and or business) that standing up and yelling from the rafters that you want your people to be acknowledged for the great history they have provided to the world is not supreme....its a given.

What he achieved as a black American at the time is also an immeasurable feat. He didnt fear the repercussions of the public when he said something he felt to be true. Its easy to judge that, but you have to remember much of the public et large (majority whites) hated his anti draft\Vietnam stance...much of the black community that had a tendency to fall in line and walk in step without question (there is a video of Joe Louis arguing with Ali on a talk show that he served and that Ali did as well....although Joe Louis saw no actual combat he did more of a publicity tour).

His commitment to the community, his charitible works with people...there is alot to cover about the man.

All in all he could have been another Floyd Mayweather, a money hungry machine that took whatever he wanted. But now he lives a modest living from providing for others and for his faith that all people are important.

Honestly, its hard to narrow his greatness down to just one thing. Maybe THAT should be your point as to why he is.

he was a black supremacist and a draft dodger. great boxer though

Im doing a speech on him and some website i went aren't enough to cover it.

i'd be appreciate if u guys put it on a paragraph.