> Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins?

Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Is he the greatest 48 years old boxer of all time? If not can you name another fighters past or present that is as good at that age?

George Foreman defended the World Boxing Union Heavyweight title at age 48 and Evander Holyfield defended the UBF Heavyweight title at age 49. No other fighters that I lnow of fought for or defended any type of title at age 48 or above. I think Archie Moore's last title fight was at age 45.

I can't say that Bernard Hopkind isn't the greatest 48 year old fighter of all time, but an argument could be made for both Foreman and Holyfield.

I can't name anyone right of the top of my head ,but Antonio Tarver is 44 years old and has a cruiserweight title but he's not quite on the same level as Bernard Hopkins.

Note: Bernard Hopkins went to prison for strong arm robbery ,not child molestation.

Yeah, I bet you can say that. The nearest that comes to mind was Archie Moore who fought until he was nearly 50 years old, but B-Hop is absolutely better at that age and it looks like he can fight at the elite level until he's 50.

There have been a few throughout history that fought into their late 40's and even early 50's. but no one as competitively or as successfully as Bernard Hopkins. B-Hop is in a class by himself, one of history's ultra-elite.

He buttfucked white kids up the ashole while he served time for raping women.

Is he the greatest 48 years old boxer of all time? If not can you name another fighters past or present that is as good at that age?