> Would mike Tyson have beat mayweather?

Would mike Tyson have beat mayweather?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

Mayweather would give Mike a good match, but I think Tyson would win.

Your question is not so silly, as historically, lighter class fighters often fought heavyweights.... and often gave them big problems due to greater speed.

Harry Greb comes to mind, who had no business sparring with the heavier Dempsey, and yet Dempsey eventually refused to train with Greb, as the latter beat him up every time.

Little Billy Conn almost beat the mighty Joe Louis in a long and lopsided contest until Joe finally connected.

Mayweather is incredibly skilled, but I still think Tyson would be too aggressive, strong, and fast.

Now Greb or Conn would be another story. I think Greb would beat Tyson, and I think Conn would give him a good fight.

Tyson was a heavyweight, Mayweather is a welterweight/ light middleweight....that kind of makes a difference...

Of course. Tyson is a heavyweight. Floyd is a welterweight

Dude Tyson was a ******* heavyweight mayweather is a welterweight.

i would beat tyson :D tyson would beat mayweather

if floyd and tyson were in the same weight class, floyd would win.

surely Floyd will duck Mike Tyson.. Floyd will never fight good fighters at their prime.

Yes. Thankfully they have weight classes for a reason though.

Weight divisions? Are you aware what they are?

Is that a serious question?