> Why do people eat for fun?

Why do people eat for fun?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
For some people, it's some kind of oral fixation. They have to have something in their mouth all the time. You can tell - they'll stick a pen in there, or gum, or food or whatever. Some people eat as some kind of self-reward - like their parents may have given them sweets as a reward for good behavior or whatever so they eat because it makes them feel good. For other people, food IS delicious! If you don't really like to eat much, you actually should try cooking. It's rewarding and you learn a lot about food and eating.

If they say that they eat for fun, then, that is the reason. If it is an addiction, that is a different matter. Then, it would be like smoking or drinking, a drug. If they steal your lunch, they are bullies and should be reported.

Some people just don't get full up, they have an addiction to eating therefore, some comfort eat

eating is the best!

cuz thye skinni

There isa lot of kids at my school who will eat everything. They even stole my food a couple times. I ask them, are you hungry and they say no but they eat anyways. I ask them why do you eat if you are not hungry, and most of them say they like to eat for fun and im all like wtf. I don't like eating. It isn't fun and if I could choose, I would stop eating completely if I would be normally healthy. Why do they eat for fun?