> What should i pick Boxing or Jujitsu?

What should i pick Boxing or Jujitsu?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I would recommend you train in both. That's what I do. Why force yourself to choose if both appeal to you? Both are excellent sports.


Boxing: Improves the accuracy, speed and power of your punches. Makes you hard to hit. Improves your reflexes and co-ordination. Excellent cardio.

Jujitsu: Great for learning how to control, restrain and submit people. Makes it hard for people to do these things to you. If you find yourself underneath an opponent, it teaches you how to fight off your back, or escape to top position/standing. Gives you a lot of control over the degree of damage you wish to inflict... anything from simple humiliation to crippling injury or death.



Boxing: You get hit in the face and the body. Concussions, facial injuries and bruised or broken ribs are a possibility. Bloody noses and black eyes are very common. You don't have much control over the degree of damage you wish to inflict (you might only intend to knock someone out and end up breaking their jaw or even killing them).

Jujitsu: You get thrown around, strangled and your joints get bent in ways they're not supposed to move. Broken bones and long term joint injuries are a possibility. Sprains, strains, muscle tears and cauliflower ears are very common. Accidental knees and elbows happen quite a lot - these could potentially result in the same sort of injuries one could get from boxing.

Both are great sports,

But I think boxing is the better fit to start off, it gives the presence and the ability to judge a fight by standing toe to toe, (movement , defence, striking,) it also will help you alot when it comes to learning mma, as you will be more equipped when you learn muay thai etc, boxing is fundemental, punches are throwing first in a street fight and with boxing under your belt you will be a more natural fighter not to mention have great endurance and strength for your weight size.

Jujitsu is a great technical sport, but if you wanted to combine the both then imagine having the edge of knowing both.

pros and cons to both but boxing is my pick..

If you have long limbs and your athletic Boxing is a really good fit.

Since you're young I would recommend Boxing. Striking skills take longer to master than grappling skills and their best to learn young. You can pick up a grappling later on in life and get fairly good at it. They same is not usually the case with Boxing.

Boxing lets you defend yourself in hot situations and if you need to, split and get out of there. With grappling your on the ground and committed. It's more convenient and clean. Grappling is still an important skill to know though, but as I said, you learn it any time.

Boxing carries a risk of concussion and long term brain injury. Jujitsu is more versatile.


im 16 and im pretty big for my age i am 5"11 211 pounds. im pretty athletic i would like to try boxing or jujitsu what are the pros and cons for both of them and what would you go with.