> Which is the deadliest type of punch in fighting?

Which is the deadliest type of punch in fighting?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

I would have to say the uppercut, a sneaky very effective punch when thrown properly. Mike Tyson perfected the left hook to the body followed by the uppercut up the middle, The hook would cause the fighter to drop his elbow to protect his ribcage exposing the chin for the uppercut, almost the perfect combination. Although the Hook started off the combo, the uppercut finished the job.

Both the Hook and the Uppercut are deadly but the uppercut is always sneaky.

The "deadliest" is a straight hard punch to a certain part of the neck (I won't say which so the foolish won't try it) which can kill in one of two ways: causing plaque to detach and resulting in an aneyeurism (sp?) or causing a very sudden and drastic drop in blood pressure.

As for the "most effective" (but not necessarily the hardest) punch, it's the jab: a quick, accurate, stiff, and busy jab ALWAYS thrown in multiples or in combination with a powerpunch is the best weapon period. Indeed, in a streetfight, a couple of (barefisted) jabs landed around the eyes will quickly end a fight and do so with much less risk than "opening yourself up" by throwing "powerpunches" (such as the hook and uppercut).

Watch mike tyson, roy jones jr and flod mayweather. combine their most deadliest punches and u will get the deadliest type of punch

I would say the first hook swing that someone gets into the fight. If it's a fight of rage then that is definately the best starter, but for a long term battle strong jabs can do the most damage.

probably the 100 hand slap; play as E Honda and press red repeatedly (snes only)

powerwise: uppercut

damagewise: repeated jabs